CO HD52 - Ft. Collins
I am excited to support Stephen Hanks for Larimer county Coroner. Stephen’s experience as a death investigator and autopsy assistant, along with his law degree from the University of Denver, and his military service make him a valuable asset and leader for Larimer County.
Stephen has the vision and plan to build partnerships, engage in the community, share information, and provide advocacy and support for families.
I believe Stephen’s comprehensive experience, education, and values will make him a fantastic coroner for Larimer County.

CO HD53Â - Ft. Collins
I am excited to endorse Stephen Hanks for Larimer County Coroner. Stephen grew up in Fort Collins and has the experience and the education needed to lead the Coroner’s Office and the community with integrity and compassion. Stephen is an experienced deputy coroner, death investigator, and autopsy assistant who understands the importance of public service through community engagement and proactive leadership.
Stephen’s law degree and master’s degree in criminology give him the academic experience necessary to partner with local government and community groups, while supporting and honoring families.
Stephen’s plan to provide important data and statistics in an efficient and meaningful manner while protecting human dignity and personally identifiable information is essential for everyone concerned with the opioid crisis, suicide awareness, and overall safety on our roads and in our communities.
Please join me in voting for Stephen Hanks for Coroner.

Larimer County Commissioner-District 3
I first met Stephen Hanks several months ago when he approached me about his ideas for the coroner’s office. From day one, Stephen told me about his plan for a publicly accessible data dashboard and timely annual reports to provide important data and statistics in an efficient and meaningful manner. Stephen is also committed to protecting human dignity and personal information. This data is essential for everyone concerned with the overdose crisis, suicide awareness, and more in our communities.
Stephen Hanks’ law degree, and master’s degree in criminology give him the comprehensive experience necessary to be a public service driven coroner. His long experience in the Larimer county Coroner’s Office and other county coroner offices as a deputy coroner, death investigator, and autopsy assistant shows his commitment to this important office in our County.
Stephen Hanks has my support in his candidacy for Larimer county Coroner. He will lead the Coroner’s Office withy integrity and compassion.

Larimer County Commissioner-District 2
Stephen's commitment to collaboration and data driven approach will bring transparency and professionalism to the office of the coroner. I enthusiastically support Stephen Hanks for Larimer County Coroner.

Mayor-Loveland, CO
Stephen Hanks is an Army veteran and a Loveland resident with a passion for improving public health and safety through collaboration with our community and local leaders.
Stephen’s experience in the Coroner’s office coupled with his commitment for success will drive the Coroner’s Office in promoting regional partnerships, in battling the opioid crisis, in promoting suicide awareness, and in improving safety on our roads and throughout our community.
It is my honor to endorse Stephen Hanks for Coroner.

Former Chief Medical Examiner, Cook County, Chicago, IL
I am honored to endorse Steve Hanks for the position of Coroner for Larimer County, Colorado.
I have had the good fortune to work with Steve both at the Larimer County Coroner/Medical Examiner’s Office and currently at the Adams County Coroner’s Office. He is an expert at autopsy performance and has been an invaluable assistant to me. He is currently finishing law school and soon will be an attorney.
Steve knows that performing autopsies is only a fraction of proper medicolegal death investigation. As the word medicolegal implies, death investigation is both a medical and legal pursuit. Steve has mastered the medical part of the job; he soon will complete his training to be a legal expert as well.
Larimer County has always had a forensic pathologist as coroner, but times are changing. Given the legal complexity of running an Office serving a large county, Steve’s education will serve him well as Coroner. As an attorney, his interactions with the Public Defender, District Attorney, Law Enforcement, and the Public at Large will be seamless.
I am confident that Steve Hanks will run the Larimer County Coroner/Medical Examiner’s Office with efficiency, professionalism, integrity and compassion. You will be in good hands with Steve Hanks as Coroner.

Professor of Law: University of Denver Sturm College of Law
Stephen Hanks will make an outstanding Coroner for Larimer County. He has demonstrated that he is intelligent, hard-working, and compassionate. His contributions to my classes at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law were outstanding.
Stephen knows how to get the work done! His comments in class demonstrated that he truly cares about people - and understands the complexities and difficulties of life. He is determined to be an active participant in the community, and to make a difference in the lives of the people he serves. His extensive education and work experience will make him outstanding as he works with people in a variety of important and difficult situations.
Stephen has my very strong endorsement.

Former Larimer County Deputy Coroner/Death Investigator
As a former deputy coroner for this county, I can think of no one better than Stephen Hanks, to serve the citizens of this county in the role of Coroner.
Steve has the experience, qualifications, and character to serve as coroner. Steve worked for Larimer county as a senior death Investigator for seven years but felt a higher calling to serve the citizens of this county in a different role. Steve left the office to better equip himself for what that calling was. Steve received his master’s degree in criminal justice but did not stop there. Steve understood the importance of our state statutes when it comes to the Coroner’s office and its role and the importance of the coroner and its staff to know those statutes so he decided to also receive his law degree from the University of Denver. Now Steve is fulfilling his higher calling and running to be your next coroner.
Steve has shown me he is a man of honor, integrity, dignity, and respect. Steve has shown me he is a man willing to be an advocate for ANYONE and EVERYONE, not just people who fit his agenda. Steve has shown me he is a person true to his word and values and it shined greatly when he stood next to me at the Northern Colorado Pride Event and when he goes to events important to the Latino community.
Steve realizes this county is expanding and is able and willing to serve everyone who moves into this great county of ours. I implore the citizens of this county to visit his website or send him a text message to find out about the great and wonderful things Steve has planned for the betterment of the office of the Larimer County Coroner. I implore the citizens of this county to make the right choice and vote for Stephen Hanks to be your next Coroner on November 8th, 2022.